frequently asked questions


Sanahalili is just getting started. We are currently in beta mode. Please be patient as we collaborate with our friends and partners to bring you the best experience.

Why do my courses have to be approved?

It would be easy for us to bypass the application process and accept anyone willing to pay. However, the Sanahalili experience is designed specifically to support spiritually aware change-makers and nurture their wonder, wisdom, well-being, and wealth.
It takes a great deal of courage to do this work. Only those willing to confront their own spiritual blocks are admitted to this guild. You must be equally willing to be challenged as you are to challenge others.

Do I get my own website?
We’ve found that over time, many private practitioners grow frustrated with maintaining their own sites. Your Guild space does almost everything a personal website would do. Of course, if you prefer to use your own website, we encourage you to link it here. Then use the other features and benefits of your membership.
We provide you with:
  • private listing URL
  • landing page
  • private classroom environment
  • private office environment
  • paid bookings
  • paid products
  • revenue reports
  • and much more!
What kind of content do you deny?

We rarely deny a course. However, sometimes there may be content that may not be suitable for digital learning, is poorly designed for transmission, or has legal liability issues. If your review is denied and you are open to re-designing your curriculum, we encourage you to work with us to re-submit.

My course was approved and I would like to run it again. Do I need to re-submit it?

No, you do not need to re-submit. Once it is approved, it remains on your dash and in our marketplace for purchase/enrollment. However, if we receive reports about your course that violate our terms and conditions, the course will be pulled from the marketplace and you will need to re-submit for approval.

I have an e/book, workbook, card deck that I would like to publish as part of my course. Can I do that?

Yes! We’d love that! All guild members have access to Sanahalili Press. Also, if you already have something published and would like us to re-design and market it here. Once you are logging in, you can freely submit your content via your portal or on the submissions page.

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